I teach bible study to the younger kids at Cottage Cove
(K-2) twice a week. We have been going through the beginning of Genesis and teaching
them about creation. Talking about Heaven and how animals and people were
created with kids of such a young age always causes them to ask some
interesting questions, which leave me with some pretty cute stories to tell.
One little kindergartener named Kayla likes to get us off
track by asking some pretty innocent questions. One day we were talking about
The Ten Commandments, and we when got to “Thou Shall Not Steal” she raised her
hand and asked, “Miss Sara, can God go
to jail?” I then explained to her that God isn’t human like us, and He is
perfect so there would be no reason for him to go to jail. She didn’t quite
understand and went on to say that it’s not fair for God to be able to steal
something and not have to go to jail. Only after once again explaining that God
is perfect and never steals anything did she understand.
Another day when we were talking about Heaven, a little girl
asked me if there would be toilets in Heaven. I was kind of caught off guard by
the question, but I told her that nobody knows what Heaven is like for sure,
but I was pretty sure that we wouldn’t need to use toilets once we were in
Heaven. Then she explained her reasoning for asking. She said “But what happens
if someone dies while they’re using the bathroom? How will they finish?”
Needless to say, these kids are curious about the bible and
always want to know more. I’m so happy that I get to teach such and awesome
group of kids about how much God loves them.
Also, here are a few pictures we took playing outside with
the kids on Fun Friday.
i want to know who asked the toilet question!!! it sounds like something Kamryn would say! who was it? :)