Thursday, May 17, 2012


The past few months have been crazy. I feel like I have always had something to do or somewhere to be.  But this is not in any way a bad thing. I have been surrounded by people that I love, and I am fully aware that my life here in Nashville has been blessed way beyond what I deserve.  I have been growing closer to so many friends, and more importantly closer to God.  He has made it abundantly clear that this is where I am supposed to be. It is a rare occasion that the thought "this is the best day ever" doesn't cross my mind at least once a day.

I have a job that is absolutely perfect for me. I get to hang out with 70 kids everyday. I can't even think of anything I would rather do. I even find myself missing them over the weekend by the time Sunday night rolls around. The hours of 3:15-5:30 are always the very best part of my day. Every single one of the kids have stolen my heart in some way or another, but I find myself being kind of partial to the younger half of our kids. I teach bible study to those in grades K-2, so I have become kind of attached. Particularly to a few adorable kindergarteners.

This sweetie pie is named Jaeda, and that smile never leaves her face. She is the happiest little girl you could ever hope to meet. Everyday she greets me with a big hug, as well as a quick update on the happenings of her and her fellow kindergarteners.

This is Dejuantez, and we are quickly becoming best friends. Every time we are ever in the same room he runs up to me to give me a hug.  He asks if we have bible study everyday, and when the answer is yes his reaction is pure excitement. He always says, "I love you Miss Sara" before he leaves, and it just melts my heart.

Playing basketball has also become one of my favorite things, because it means that I get to hang out with these three cuties. They're all actually very good, and sometimes they try to let me win, or at least catch up with them. Once, Dejuantez even offered to score some points for me. What a sweetheart.

Ok. Its getting late and I'm getting tired. So I'll leave you with a few more pictures of the kids that bless me everyday.